Experienced queer therapist sitting in Fairmont, Vancouver sharing about her counselling services available to queer and questioning youth all accross Canada

As a queer therapist, I embrace lifelong learning and love sharing tidbits of insights every now and then

I’m also fairly active on social media, especially Instagram. As a queer therapist, I use my Instagram and blogs to share thoughts and insights surrounding my practise. Sometimes I also shared behind-the-scenes activities and take inspiration from my personal and professional life, anything and everything under the sun. My goal is to share, educate, and connect with the public. If you have any topics in mind that you thought would be interesting to discuss, I welcome you to reach out.

Queer and confused: I like boys and I like girls too
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

Queer and confused: I like boys and I like girls too

Most of us going about our life in the world, doing most of the things we do consciously and unconsciously impacted by the narrative the world is telling us who we are supposed to be and what we are supposed to do. Even though there is no formula per-se in coming out, Anisa’s experience is not an isolated one, and people like her typically went through a process of feeling confused with this newfound realization before coming to grip and finally embrace it wholeheartedly.

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Come out on your own terms: Write your own narrative
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

Come out on your own terms: Write your own narrative

Coming out is a memorable and important part in the lives of lgbtqia2s+individuals. It is a process where people make sense of their sexual orientation and personal identity. The journey can look fluid and meandering for some, and quite definitive from early age for others.

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Counselling: Saying yes to investing in your personal growth
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

Counselling: Saying yes to investing in your personal growth

Seeing a counsellor regularly is an investment of your time and energy. Processing what you experienced in your life and working through some issues certainly require energy and commitment. Ultimately the reward is a freer, more self-aware person who is better at navigating life challenges.

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Maintain your cool: How to deal with strong emotions when others are annoying
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

Maintain your cool: How to deal with strong emotions when others are annoying

The holiday season and some relationship dynamic can be triggering. In a lot of cases, the tension is walking a delicate balance between naming your emotions and communicating your needs, while also taking others’ interest into consideration.

Rest assured that this is common experience and make holiday season a tad challenging. We always have the option to avoid, bury, or numb our painful emotions just to get through the day.

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What to Look for in a Therapist: Finding Your Perfect Counselling Match
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

What to Look for in a Therapist: Finding Your Perfect Counselling Match

Therapy is a safe space for you to explore any thoughts, feelings, and life experience. Making the decision to commit to therapy is a very personal one. A real tricky part is finding the right therapist. With so many factors to keep in mind, it is super important to go through the selection process well.

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Setting boundaries with your family: Holiday tips for queer folks
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

Setting boundaries with your family: Holiday tips for queer folks

Seeing your extended family during special occacions like Easter, Christmas, and New Year could be exciting. Though in some cases, depending on the state of your relationships with them, it could also be tricky. If you are at all feeling apprehensive, it’s important to come up with some gameplan to help ease your anxiety. Find out 3 ways you can make this family gathering more enjoyable than the ones before.

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How to know when it’s time to see a therapist: Discover your best self
Nita Agustin Nita Agustin

How to know when it’s time to see a therapist: Discover your best self

There is a common misconception that therapy is only for those who have severe mental illness. When in fact, we all experience stress and fluctuations in our mood from time to time. Though there might be times when we will benefit from some extra push. That is where counselling come into the picture. Counselling can be a safe space for you to process your experience and explore ways to approach life differently. Our thoughts and feelings will impact the way we show up in our life.

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We acknowledge that as a queer therapist, Nita Agustin Counselling operates on the traditional, ancestral and unceded ancestral and unceded homelands of the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh speaking peoples and are grateful to be on this territory.