Counselling: Saying yes to investing in your personal growth

When we think about the word ‘investing’, I am sure the thing that came to mind would be stocks, real estate, venture capital.

Setting aside some resources to have something of your own is important in life.

And I gotta say (or am I biased in saying this?!?) that investing in yourself is just as important.

I am not saying throw the goal of boosting your earning potential and advance in life.
Though, I just want to invite you to explore the possibility of investing in your wellness and personal growth, that way you are able to maximize your success and live life on your own terms.

What does it mean to say yes to investing in your personal growth?

I personally see ‘investing in your personal growth’ as setting aside time and effort to better yourself. This is a lifelong process and many not have the most definite beginning and end.

As humans, we never arrive. There are always new things we can learn and insights we glean along the way.

The thing about investment, be it financial or relationship, is that, you want to make sure that the effort is well worth the results. So, here are a few pointers for you to keep in mind before you say yes to investing in your personal growth:

  1. The starting point is right here, right now

    People hesitated making any changes sometimes under the guise “I wished I would have done it sooner.” Well, it’s human to want to turn back time and restart the clock sooner.

    Though, we all start from somewhere, even myself. There are things about my younger years I wished I could just skip over but the thing is that I won’t be the same person without going through those events.

    I took the meandering road before practising as a clinical counsellor. I actually studied communication and media management. Totally felt like a failure when I decided not to work in that field after completing my studies.

    I wished I could have started my counselling journey sooner.

    Though I also will not be ready to be the kind of counsellor I needed to be. Thanks to some of my experience while studying commnunications.

    In some ways, that period of life was a delay. Though also a gold mine of life lessons that prepared me for the next chapter in my life.

  2. You are where you are supposed to be

    Haha, on the surface it almost seems like I contradicted myself.

    Though, I guess this point dovetail with point #1.

    Every little thing we do will add up and form a mosaic someday. This applies if you feel super unsure about yourself and confused with the world. We all feel unsure about ourselves at some point and another, even those who seem to have all their life figured out.

    We can become more confident by saying yes to going out of our comfort zone.

  3. Comparison is the thief of joy

    This is a point that I personally need to be reminded of time and again.

    True that we are a social being and live in a world surrounded by other people.

    We can’t help but see things in our surroundings, which would then make us think and want certain things.

    This is where I believe in the power of seeking balance, in terms of seeing what’s out there for inspiration. It is totally normal to get some ideas on how we can approach our life differently. At the same time, it is important to be mindful of what ideas or inspiration we inhale.

    When I hear clients share their confusion about how to exist in the world, I invite them to think about what drew them to certain places and people. I don’t believe in shielding yourself from those ‘temptations.’ Instead, I look at those people and places from a stance of curiosity.

    That way we don’t compare, we are being curious and enriched!

How does saying yes to investing in your personal growth looks like:

Lots of resources would suggest reading growth mindset books, getting a mentor, signing up for certain workshop/classes, listening to podcasts…

And now I will share one point that is slightly unpopular

(Or dare I say biased, considering this is my profession… I called it unpopular as I don’t quite hear it much. True that mental health awareness is getting more traction, and I sure hope this becomes more normalized).

Counselling is another way you say yes to investing in your personal growth

Seeing a counsellor regularly is an investment of your time and energy.

Processing what you experienced in your life and working through some issues certainly require energy and commitment.

There at times when clients shared “counselling is a lot of work,” I totally echo what they shared. This is no stroll in the park.

It is vulnerable showing up, sharing about the inner workings of your life.
It is work talking about things you do not necessarily talk about with everyone out there.
It feels exposed having a quasi stranger like myself listen to you and then ask you questions.

I don’t sugarcoat things. I am real. And it’s true that it takes patience and commitment to work on yourself.

At the end of the day though, you get to reap the reward with better self awareness.

Clients shared feeling freer and more confident in navigating life challenges.

This improved self-awareness allowed them to check-in with themselves and identify their needs at any given moment and find ways to fulfill those needs.

Another by-product is having a better sense of themselves and the world around them. That way you are able to show up as your better self in your relationships.

A question mark with a punk background to accompany an article about Saying yes to investing in your personal growth

What does counselling cost?

Committing to therapy is an investment, so the first question clients often ask is whether it is worth the expense. Considering the fact that a counselling session may cost between $120 to $300 (or even more).

Curious about my fees and policies? Find out here

In sharing about the cost above, I am super mindful that the range I provided sounds big.
Yaas, I gotta say that it all depends on geographical location, credential, expertise, and experience level.

My practice is located in Burnaby, so the market price range here would be different from east of the valley like Abbotsford or Chilliwack.

In some ways, this cost also depends on how often you schedule the appointment. Most of my clients meet with me either every 2 or 4 weeks. I’d say those are the most popular frequency.

Another question I got asked a lot is how folks typically pay for counselling.

Some people are able to access counselling because their extended insurance covers mental health. While others chose to access the support they need and pay out of pocket.

Any verdict?

Granted, saying yes to investing in your personal growth may look different for everyone.

Regardless of what brought you for here, I hope you left with a sense that there are options for you to say yes to investing in your personal growth.

Indeed, taking ownership of your life and processing the “everyday stuff” is incredibly fulfilling, and remember that the greatest return is you living a more present and connected life, not just with yourself but also with those around you.

You are doing your best and you want to keep on improving. You may not be the one causing some of your problems, you are responsible for solving and processing them.

All in all, counselling can be a sounding board for you to figure out the many facets of your life and help you reframe some perspectives in life.

Still wondering whether counselling is for you? Find out 5 Signs it’s time to consider seeing a therapist

Have you been wondering if having a supportive sounding board would be helpful for you? I would love to welcome into a safe space, where we can figure out what is going on in your life today and how you want your life to look like?

Experienced BIPOC, queer counsellor based in Burnaby, BC sharing about how counselling meaans saying yes to investing in your personal growth


I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor based in Burnaby, BC. My jam is working with queer youth and young adults, especially those who do not want to be defined by what society told them about themselves. I help clients figure out who they are, who they want to be, and how to get there. We do this by processing how their past impacted the way they live out their life today. From our work together, I noticed clients develop better self-awareness and experience improved quality of life as they can show up differently in their relationships.

I offer virtual and in-person sessions near Brentwood, North Burnaby. I am licensed to practise in BC, as well as all across Canada, so I support clients all over BC, all the way from Vancouver to Kitimat. Other than working with clients who reside in BC, I also can support clients who reside in Yukon Territories, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Newfoundland.

Check out my About me page to learn more about what I do and have to offer for you. Also, explore my Services page to see how I can guide you in making shifts in your life today. If you feel ready to discover ways to live life on your own terms, I welcome you to book an initial intake session. I am so stoked to meet you and start figuring out how you can show up as your best self


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